Shelley Admont - Great Children's Books
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I Love To...(Jimmy, the litle bunny series)
“I Love To…” is a collection of short bedtime stories aimed for ages 3-7 and teaches children important lessons in a fun and engaging manner.
All books feature the same main character, Jimmy, the little bunny, who finds himself wrapped up in various adventures to cover various subjects:sleeping in his own bed, brushing his teeth, eating fruits and vegetables, keeping his room clean, going to daycare, respecting his parents, importance of sharing…
What happens when all three little children don’t want to sleep in their own beds and end up sleeping in their parent’s bed instead?
This educational and entertaining children's book will get your kids excited about oral hygiene.
This book might be perfect for those parents who struggle every mealtime to make their kids eat healthy food.
Help your little ones overcome their worries of leaving you for the first time with this sweet book.
This short story should encourage children to respect their parents, and harvest all the love their parents hold for them.
This picture book will help motivaye kids to keep their rooms tidy and organized.
Let’s find out what it means to share, and why it makes us feel better!